Teresa Perciful,RN,BCH

Today's Hypnosis, PLLC,  2116 No. Main Street

North Little Rock, AR 


Afternoon/Evening Appointments


I'm a Registered Nurse in Good Standing with the Arkansas Nurse Association, graduated in 1995 from the University of Arkansas @ Little Rock, Assoc. of Science/Nursing.  Hypnosis Training @ the Southern Institute of Hypnotism January/ 2005.  I am a Consulting Hypnotist in Good Standing with the National Guild of Hypnotists. Recieved my Board Certification through the National Guild of Hypnotists in August/2008.  My business name is Today's Hypnosis, in Good Standing with the Secretary of State- Arkansas.  Business location: 2116 No. Main Street, North Litlte Rock, Arkansas. 

Specialty Areas:    I'm an Occupational Health Nurse working in this field for 24 yrs.

Board Certified Hypnotist/Registered Nurse

Special Hypnosis Certifications & Specialty Training:  Pain Management, Forensic Hypnosis, Smoking Cessation, Body Talk Training (How to communicate effectively with words and body language), Medical Hypnosis training, IEMT training, Anger Management, Sports Improvement

I have special training working with performance such as sports, test taking, complementary use of Hypnosis in the Medical Field, Pain Management, Cancer, Gastroentestinal Illnesses (IBS,Colitis,Crohns), Stress Management, Sleep Problems, Pre & Post Surgical Hypnosis to decrease stress and speed recovery! 

 I Work extensively with Weight Loss, Smoking Cessation, Sports, & Stress Reduction (Recent studies show that Hypnotism is the most successful SMOKING CESSATION TOOL)

Workshops Available:  End Test Taking Fears and increase Focus and Retention - Prep for Professional Exams.  PARENTS - Hypnosis can help your children prep for the SAT & ACT !!!  Weight Loss Workshops and ANGER MANAGEMENT!!   Private sessions are also available!! I'm available to talk to groups!

Break habits such as nail biting, hair pulling, teeth griding, bed wetting, stuttering,  or any repetative behavior.  Ages 5 & up!

End those Simple Fears & Blocks including; Sales/Sales Motivation, Fear of Flying, Heights, Public Speaking, etc.  All respond amazingly well with Hypntism!

The state of Hypnosis is a powerful tool to enhance your natural abilities, allow the mind/body to increase healing, and to stop bad habits or create a new positive behaviors.

Your mind is your body's control tower and I can help you to be in control. Let me and my training, help you to make the changes you desire.  Up to 80% of  illnesses are said to be Stress Induced and Hypnotism reduces your internal stress, and many times, reducing or eliminating sypmtoms of chronic conditions, including pain and insomnia.  Need help - THINK HYPNOSIS!!!!    Drug Free & Safe!!!!

Call me @ (501)416-0066 or email @ todayshypnosis@hotmail.com  for a confidential consultation and pricing.



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